kaiyun体育网址最新|【中国】首页登录 |�滮���-�й��羰԰����-�й��羰԰�������ۺ��Ż� - 风景园林网
[���ڣ�2009-04-28]  ��Դ��������  ���ߣ�   ��������(0)��ӡ



   ��ASLA��רҵ�����-�ۺ������������--��ס�ڻ�Ұ��ԵLagoon��԰(Lagoon Park: Living at the Edge of Wilderness )








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������Ƶ�λ��Van Atta���޹�˾��Santa Barbara�У�������������


����Santa Barbara, California Van Atta Associates, Inc., Santa Barbara, California client: University of California, Santa Barbara






����Proof that you don't have to have a huge budget to do fabulous things. To create an ecosystem that will thrive is incredibly difficult and this landscape architect paid a lot of attention to detail throughout the project. It's heavily used by students and sends the right message. Well done!






����This park achieves aesthetics, function and sustainability on a limited budget. Created wetland habitats, an inviting place for students, and a system that filters and cleans runoff-all have been incorporated into a site that was once a gravel parking lot. Our role as the landscape architect in this accomplishment was unique, as we saw great potential where the client thought only habitat creation was possible.


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