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08ASLAרҵ��ƽ�--����סլ(Beach House)
��ASLA��רҵ�����-��ס�������������--����סլ(Beach House) ����2008���������������Э�ᣨASLA��רҵ��ƽ�-��ס������������� ������飺 ������Ŀ�ص㣺����ŦԼ��Amagansett�� ������Ƶ�λ��Dirtworks��ƹ�˾��ŦԼ ����Amagansett, New YorkDirtworks, PC, New York, New York ������ί����� ��������Ŀ�Ŀɳ������������ӡ����̣��������ʦ��Ϊ��һ�㱸�ܳ��ޡ����ʺ�ֲ����ѡ��ʮ���ºͣ���Ȼ�����ʽ��൫ȴ�Ե�ʮ��������ľ��������ƺ�����ϵ�ܺá�ƽ̨��ƺ��д��⣬����һ�����Ϳ���ȥ�ƺ��Dz�С�ĵ������ƶ�������֮�С� ����The sustainability of this project is quite impressive and the landscape architect is to be commended. The materials and plants are modest, yet powerful in their simple gestures. The wood going into grasses provides useful interplay. The deck is innovative and appears to be dropped into a moving landscape. ������Ŀ���ܣ� �������--��ʱ���������ʵ��ʫ�衣������̲סլ���۹�����һ��������ĸо��������Ǵ�������;����ϸ��������ģ������ĺͲ��ϱ仯����̬ϵͳ��ɳ�ۡ�����������ǣ������ı��������Ǻ���Ȼ������� ����Inspiration - Sometimes there can be poetry in the practical. This beach house landscape creates a feeling of symbiosis that brings us physically and emotionally closer to the beautiful, fragile and ever-changing ecosystem of the dune landscape. The design serves to remind us of a fundamental consideration: we are partners with nature.
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