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����������������̬���������������� ������ �� �ˣ�Mohsen Mostafavi��Īɭ.Ī˹����ά �����ѧ���ѧԺԺ���� ���������ˣ����������������ܲü���ϯ���ʦ�� ����ʱ �䣺2010��3��14�� ���� ����19��00-21��00 ������ �㣺������ѧ Ӣ�ܽ������� ������� �������ӻ�����������ڼ�ϰ��ѵ�ƻ�������ʽ ����ʱ �䣺2010��3��14�� ���� ����21��00-21��30 ������ �㣺������ѧ Ӣ�ܽ������� ������� �������쵥λ��������ѧ�������ѧ�о�Ժ �����а쵥λ�������й���վ ���������ѧ����־ ����֧�ֵ�λ�������� �����ݽ��˼�� ����Mohsen Mostafavi��һλ����ʦ�ͽ����ң����ι����ѧ����о�ѧԺԺ���Լ�����ɽ���ά�����ǡ�������ƽ��ڡ���ǰ�����ڿ��ζ���ѧ�����������滮ѧԺ��ְ�μ����Ͱ�����Ժ�����Լ���ɪL.����������B. ��ɭ������ѧ���ڡ�������ˣ�����������Ӣ���ؽ�������ѧԺУ���� ����MostafaviԺ��Ч���ڰ��Ⱥ�������ָ��ίԱ�ᣬ�Ǻ���ɳ���������������ѡ�ų�Ա֮һ�����������ط�չ������RIBA�ʼҽ����ָ��ίԱ��һԱ�����ڣ�����Ȼ��Ϊ����֪�������ij�����ƹ��ʡ� ��������Ӣ���ؽ�������ѧԺѧϰ���������ڰ�����˹��ѧ�ͽ��Ŵ�ѧ���й��ڷ��ڽ̸ĸ�ij�����ʷ�о�����ǰ�����ǹ����ѧ����о�ѧԺ������ѧ˶ʿIѧλ�ĵ�ʦ��MostafaviԺ��Ҳ���ڱ�Ϧ�����Ǵ�ѧ�����Ŵ�ѧ�ͷ����˸�����ѧԺ��Staedelschule���ν̡������о��������Ŀ���ڶ౾��־�Ϸ����硶The Architectural Review����Ӣ������AAFiles����Ӣ������Arquitectura����������������Bauwelt�����£�����Casabella���������������Centre���Լ���Daidalos�����£�������������д��������������Architecture and Continuity��(1982)�����ӳٵĿռ�Delayed spaces������Homa Fardjadi��д������˹�ٽ���������, 1994)�Լ��������绯:ʱ���еĽ�������On Weathering: The Life of Buildings in Time ������David Leatherbarrow��д����ʡ��ѧԺ, 1993)���������ۼ�����ѧ���۶������������ʦЭ�ά�MostafaviԺ������ij����������������Approximations��(Ӣ����������ѧԺ/��ʡ��ѧԺ, 2002)������Ƥ����Surface Architecture ��(��ʡ��ѧԺ, 2002)�������۶������壺����ʵ���ֲ�Landscape Urbanism: A Manual for the Machinic Landscape����AA��2004���Լ����ṹ�ռ�Structure as Space����AA��2006���� ����Profile ����Mohsen Mostafavi, an architect and educator, is the Dean of the Harvard Graduate School of Design and the Alexander and Victoria Wiley Professor of Design. Previously he was the Gale and Ira Drukier Dean of the College of Architecture, Art and Planning at Cornell University and the Arthur L. and Isabel B. Wiesenberger Professor in Architecture. Prior to that, he had been the Chairman of the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London. ����Dean Mostafavi serves on the steering committee of the Aga Khan Awards for Architecture, the jury of the Holcim Foundation for Sustainable Construction, has served on the design committee of the London Development Agency (LDA), the RIBA Gold Medal, and is currently involved as a consultant on a number of international architectural and urban projects. ����He studied architecture at the AA, and undertook research on counter-reformation urban history at the Universities of Essex and Cambridge. Previously he was Director of the Master of Architecture I Program at the Harvard Graduate School of Design. Dean Mostafavi has also taught at the University of Pennsylvania, Cambridge University, and the Frankfurt Academy of Fine Arts (Staedelschule). His research and design projects have been published in many journals, including The Architectural Review, AAFiles, Arquitectura, Bauwelt, Casabella, Centre, and Daidalos. He is co-author of Architecture and Continuity (1982); Delayed Space (with Homa Fardjadi, Princeton Architectural Press, 1994) and of On Weathering: The Life of Buildings in Time (with David Leatherbarrow, MIT, 1993) which received the American Institute of Architects prize for writing on architectural theory. Dean Mostafavi��s recent publications include: Approximations (AA/MIT, 2002); Surface Architecture (MIT, 2002) which received the CICA Bruno Zevi Book Award; Logique Visuelle (Idea Books, 2003), Landscape Urbanism: A Manual for the Machinic Landscape (AA Publications, 2004), and Structure as Space, (AA Publications, 2006). ����������----���ڼ�ϰ��ѵ�ƻ� ���������2010��7����8�¾��������ڶ�����רҵѧ�������ڼ�ϰ��ѵ���ּ��Ϊ������ڶ�����רҵѧ�������ƹ�˾������ѧϰ��ƽ̨���ڶ��μ�ϰ�ƻ������������Ϻ��ͱ�����˾���У���ϰ����Ϊ8�ܣ���ϰ����Ϊ8�ˣ��Ϻ��ͱ�����˾��4�ˡ� ������8�ܵļ�ϰ��У���ϰ�߽�ͨ�����������Ϻ���˾������ŶӺ����ķ�ʽ���뵽��������Ŀ��Ƶ��У������Ŀ�ιۡ���ϯ���������������ʦ�Ľ����������Ŀ�������̵���֪���Ծ�����ƹ�˾�������˽⡣�ڼ�ϰ�ڽ���ǰ��ÿһ����ϰ�����������һ���ض��Ŀ��⣬�����ܹ�˾�������ʦ�ĵ������ɼ�����ļ�ϰ�����л����Ϊ������ʽԱ���� �����μ����� ���������ۼ����רҵ�ģ������һ��ѧҵ����˵����Ӣ����ڶ��о��������Ա������μ�ϰ�����ϰ�ڼ䲻�����κ�������ٻ��ж���ѵ��ͬʱ����ṩ���ѧԱס����ʳ�� ����������ʽ ����������Ը�����ѧ�����Խ����˼�������Ʒ���ļ���С������3M�ڣ���������ƬEMAIL��shanghaiinfo@ager.com.cn������ѧУϵ�칫��ת�������ơ� ����������ֹ���ڣ�2010��4��30�� ������ϰ����������2010��5��20�� ����AGER Internship Program 2010 ����AGER Environmental Design is please to announce its second Summer Internship Program in 2010. This internship program will consist of an 8-week program in our Shanghai office and Beijing office. The program is open to all graduate students from selected universities and is limited to 8 students. There are 4 students will stay in Shanghai office and 4 students will stay in Beijing office. ����The 8-week program design studio provides participants with office experience working on real projects. Students will attend a design charrette workshop addressing real project issues of regional, national or international significance. Through site visits, lectures, research, discussions with design principals and other professionals, and studio work sessions, students explore issues and potential solutions. AGER principals and other design professionals participate with the students as a team. By the end of their internship, students will produce a Final Design Project assigned to them for presentation to AGER principals. Qualified students will be offered permanent post-graduation employment at AGER. ����Eligibility ����-Only students who are bilingual in English and have finished the first year of a master��s program in a landscape architecture related field from the selected Universities are eligible to apply: ����Application Procedures ����-Eligible students interested in applying should forward their letter of interest enclosing a resume with photo, one recommendation letter from their professor, and portfolio at most 3M size in pdf format. ����-Application deadline: April 30, 2010 ����-Finalist Notification: May 20, 2010
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