��ҳ �� �����|�ֹ滮-�滮���Ƶ�� �� ��ҵ��̬���滮���Ƶ�� | www.chla.com.cn �й��羰�������ۺ��Ż� |
EXPO PARK ���Ի��������� ������������������Ƶ������£������Ƚ��ĸ��ִ��������ֶΣ�ǿ����������Ȼ��̬�ԣ�ǿ����������������Ҫ������Դ��Դ�����ĺͽ��ͻ�����Ⱦ��ǿ�������˶���Ȼ�Ļ����ͻ�����û����ĺ�г��ǿ������֮�乵ͨ������Ϊ2010�Ϻ�������ľ��ʻ�������˽��һ�ʣ�������ڹ���˳�������������õ���ʵ���塣������̬�¼����ڹ�������ø����������Ի������ϵ����㡣 The Expo Park design deals with urban environment strict limitations by using a wide variety of technologically advanced treatments. Moreover, it emphasizes the ecological potential of the site; it gets into the city��s life cycle in order to reduce the consumption of resources and energy; it tries to reduce social conflicts using an harmonious environment, able to enhance communication among people. 1�������Ƚ��� Blower cooling Gallery 1. The trees and the Huangpu River fan-shaped vertical array are not just instruments for constructing the park��s landscape. Besides they create natural corridors, able to convey wind inside the park: the cool, clean air will help relieving the summer heat. The same corridors will provide comfortable -and cooled- viewing points for visitors.
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