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���������Ļ��Ų����ı仯���� ������1977�꿪ʼ�Ļ������Ĺ����: ����1983, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1997 �������µ�Ϊ 2005 ����������Ȼ�Ų����ı仯���� ����SOUV��1���֣����ϱ���� ����Ӧ�������������Ų���¼��ʱ�ı�����˵����Ӧ�������µı���� �������磬һ���Ų���1994������ʼ�ֵ������¼����ʱӦΪN��i���������ǵ�8��������ô������Ų���Ӧ����Ϊ���ϵ�8������������1994��N��i����˵��������Ӧ�ļ�ֵ������ ����be outstanding examples representing major stages of earth's history, including the record of life, significant on-going geological processes in the development of land forms, or significant geomorphic or physiographic features�� ����SOUV��2���֣���ʵ�Ժ������� ����1����ʵ�Է����� ���������������µ����ݣ�������״ɫ�ʣ���������ϣ����պͼ�����λ�ã�������������ܵ� ����2�������Է����� ����������OUV��ص�����Ҫ�أ� ��������㹻��ʹ�õ��ʺ�������̬�ݱ���̵õ������� ����OUV��������û���ܵ���в����Ϊ���� ������һ���ֲ���Ӧ�����Ų�����״���з����������������Ų���¼ʱ��״̬ ����SOUV�ĵ�3����: �Ų��ر������� ������Ч����ϵͳ�Ĺ�ͨҪ��: ����-��������ߵ�����֧�� ����-�滮��ʵʩ����⣬�����ͷ����γ�ѭ��ϵͳ ����-������������ߵIJ��� ����-��Դ�ķ��� ����-�������� ����-����ϵͳ���ܷ��ӵĹ��� ������һ����Ӧ�����Ų�����״���з����������������Ų���¼ʱ��״̬ ����SOUV����: ��� ���������Ҫ�ش��5������ ����What is the property?������ʲô ����Where is the property situated?���������� ����What is the relevant historic period?������ʲô��ʷʱ���й� ����What are the values expressed through the criteria?������ֵ��ʲô ����What are the attributes?����������ʲô ����ͻ���ձ��ֵ�ع˳������걸�Լ�� ����1. the draft Statement has been submitted officially. ����2. the draft Statement has been submitted in English or French; ����3. the draft Statement has been submitted in electronic version, as a Word file. ����4. the length of the draft Statement is appropriate. The should aim to be 1 or 2 A4 pages but can be longer. ����5. the name of the property as provided in the draft Statement is the same as the name of the property as inscribed. ����6. the area in hectares it corresponds to the area of the property as inscribed ����1. all the components of a Statement of OUV are included ����2. no new criteria have been added; ����3. the criteria presented in the draft Statement are the same as those adopted by the World Heritage Committee ����4. whenever a justification of the criteria was adopted by the World Heritage Committee at the time of the inscription, that text has not been modified in the draft Statement. �����ؼ��ʣ��ٷ��ύ��Ӣ�������Ӱ�word��ʽ��1-2ҳa4ֽ�ų��ȣ����ƺ����Ӧ��������¼ʱһ�£��ĸ�����Ӧ��������������������Ӧ��ίԱ������һ�£����֮ǰ��ίԱ��ͨ���ļ�ֵ�������Ͳ����ġ�
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